Friday, June 20, 2008

Forex Bastards Scam Warning


There is an on going investigation into the activities of Dmitri Chavkerov Poster child of 21 century Internet fraud as you know or may not know he has been under investigation for a number of things for the last few years and charges have been placed against his criminal partner in a fraudulent scheme to defraud the people of the united states. Its people like this that have made the need for homeland security a must. We must all do our due diligence to detect fraudsters and terrorist. There are also numerous complaints by investors and a pending case of identity theft and transmission of personal banking information on a female victim. As well as black mail, slander and defamation. Its time to bring Mr. Dmitri Chavkerov to justice, arrest have already been made more are sure to follow if your company has been a victim of black mail, false slander or you have lost money from his services or products or feel he has caused you financial harm please contact or your report can be documented by the arresting agent [William James Cunningham ] Documentation of the current case can be found at: >>…osangeles1.htm

Mr. dimitri has made headlines around the world for his cutting edge class of fraud. And is the first to be caught in this type of Online fraud. Based on current information he is pretending to be a trading expert but based on financial statements he has lost a large sum of money in trading the forex market and all of his current income is from fraudulent product sales. He scares people into not buying or trusting his competitor̢۪s products then thru his massive network of forex sites sell them his forex product. A scare then magic solution that many internet scammers / fraudsters use today. He hides behind other names and web-sites and shady people.

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) was established in March 2003 as the largest investigative arm of the Department of Homeland Security. ICE is comprised of five integrated divisions that form a 21st century law enforcement agency with broad responsibilities for a number of key homeland security priorities.…marriage1.html

See CNN video….greencard.cnn

Secrets Of Forex Peace Army

Secrets of Felix

After investigations we came up with Felix’s secrets (Bastards’ Master). His real name is Coffman. He is an American citizen; he is a rich man from a rich family.

Moreover, Coffman is the owner of MB Trading- a brokerage firm- which is registered in the States. Also, his brother in law is one of the owners of FX Solutions, which is a brokerage firm also registered in the States.

So, Coffman, or as all of you used to call him a Felix, is the owner of Forex Peace Army (FPA, which was Forex Bastards before), Forex Diamonds, King Signal Forex, and there is the newest predicate that is owned by him.

After all previous announcements, there is no need to show you who Coffman (Felix) is, the bastard who make allegations about other patent brokers, and at the same time working for the sake of his own broker and his brother’s too!!!

Unrecognized Forex Owners

The owner of FPA

There is an effective yet a real quote that says “life is so small”. Actually, not all of us believe in it, but there are facts and actions in our daily life that may have a proof for it.

For instance, in our Forex Market we used to hear about scams and spammers, but are all what we hear real or fake? Who knows!!

Many if not all traders in Forex Market may hear about Forex Peace Army, the forums site that aims to make reviews about brokers, which are actually Fake Reviews. This site’s owner is known as Felix, but his real name is Coffman, the fact we attain recently. He owns many other sites of brokerage firms and forums, like MB Trading.

His black business begins to have an imprint in Forex Market, for there are many traders begin to be either afraid or hesitated from dealing with certain brokers, which are actually patent.

FX Solutions and AVAFX Secrets

About FX Solutions and AVAFX Secrets

There is no doubt that in any field there are many branches. In Forex Market, there are banks, brokers, investors, traders, clients, etc… The main thing that differs a broker from the other is its reliability and credibility.

Among that enormous numbers of brokers there appear FX Solutions and AVAFX, two brokerage firms. Concerning FX Solutions, we found in this company profile that it has been existed since 2001 and its activity has began to run since 2003, while you can actually and easily know that it has been known among traders and brokers since 2006. Also, the owner of FX Solutions is the brother in law of the Bastards’ Master, Felix or Coffman, and this company is registered in the States, which is their mother country. And the emergence of FX Solutions accompanies the emergence of Forex Bastards, which was changed to be Forex Peace Army.

On the other hand, AVAFX- a well known brokerage firm- is registered in Tel Aviv. Both of these two brokers are affirmed by FPA as the best brokerage firms to deal with and they give them the highest rank in their reviews.

So, there is an obvious link here between these three angles of the same triangle. But only he who wants to see the truth will notice it.

The Owner of FX Solutions

The Owner of FX Solutions

There is no doubt that the majority of you know what FX Solutions is. It is one of the greatest brokerage firms in our Forex Market, which is given the highest rank by FPA in their reviews.

After investigations and analysis, we come to the fact that FX Solutions is owned by Felix or Coffman’s brother in law!!!

So, Felix owns Forex Peace Army and his brother in law owns FX Solutions, Felix works for the favor of his brother in law and gives his brokerage firm the highest rank. Thus, traders can easily trust and go trading there.

Concerning FX Solutions, we found in this company profile that it has been existed since 2001 and its activity has began to run since 2003, while you can actually and easily know that it has been known among traders and brokers since 2006. And the emergence of FX Solutions accompanies the emergence of Forex Bastards, which was changed to be Forex Peace Army.

Here seems to have a circle between these brothers. They achieved what we call Link uterus, for they are relatively working for the sake of each other.

Forex Family Bastards

Forex Family Bastards

Actually all of you know about Forex Bastards, which is changed now to be Forex Peace Army. And you know also that this FPA is owned by Felix or Coffman, Bastards’ Master.

Among that enormous numbers of brokers there appear FX Solutions. Concerning FX Solutions, we found in this company profile that it has been existed since 2001 and its activity has began to run since 2003, while you can actually and easily know that it has been known among traders and brokers since 2006. Also, the owner of FX Solutions is the brother in law of the Bastards’ Master, Felix or Coffman, and this company is registered in the States, which is their mother country. And the emergence of FX Solutions accompanies the emergence of Forex Bastards, which was changed to be Forex Peace Army.

Thus, achieving what may be called Forex Family Bastards.

FX Solutions Swallow the Market

There is no doubt that the majority of you know what FX Solutions is. It is one of the greatest brokerage firms in our Forex Market, which is given the highest rank by FPA in their reviews.

Among that enormous numbers of brokers there appear FX Solutions. Concerning FX Solutions, we found in this company profile that it has been existed since 2001 and its activity has began to run since 2003, while you can actually and easily know that it has been known among traders and brokers since 2006. Also, the owner of FX Solutions is the brother in law of the Bastards’ Master, Felix or Coffman, and this company is registered in the States, which is their mother country. And the emergence of FX Solutions accompanies the emergence of Forex Bastards, which was changed to be Forex Peace Army.

Thus, after affirming the credibility and reliability of FX Solutions it can be concerned one of the best brokers to trade with. By doing so, FX Solutions is swallowing the market, for all reviews about it affirms its goodness.

FPA Helps FX Solutions and AVAFX

Helping FX Solutions and AVAFX

Among that enormous numbers of brokers there appear FX Solutions and AVAFX, two brokerage firms. Concerning FX Solutions, we found in this company profile that it has been existed since 2001 and its activity has began to run since 2003, while you can actually and easily know that it has been known among traders and brokers since 2006. Also, the owner of FX Solutions is the brother in law of the Bastards’ Master, Felix or Coffman, and this company is registered in the States, which is their mother country. And the emergence of FX Solutions accompanies the emergence of Forex Bastards, which was changed to be Forex Peace Army.

On the other hand, AVAFX- a well known brokerage firm- is registered in Tel Aviv. So what one can actually think about Israeli strategies? For their strategy depends on taking other shapes of the same thing as a curtain for them. Both of these two brokers are affirmed by FPA as the best brokerage firms to deal with and they give them the highest rank in their reviews.

Felix by doing so adopts these two brokerage firms to make them reach their highest top. And no body even asks himself about the real reason behind that.

Tom Yeomans Scam Warning

Tom Yeomans Scam Warning

Nowadays FPA (Forex Peace Army) becomes one of the most famous websites that makes reviews about brokers in Forex Market. And actually all of you must be aware of their real intuitions after reading our bogs, which are certainly formed after many investigations about them.

There has been found that FPA was making many advertises for a guy called, Tom Yeomans Fraud, for his educational site and signal provider. And here is their review about him:

Felix Homogratus, USA

“I am very excited to have found this website. Jimmy Young is supposedly Tom Yeoman’s mentor and Tom is a very profitable trader! I am going to be looking to learn from this guy, and be posting a real review later.”

What is ridiculous here is that Tom Yeomans is a big Fraudster!!! And this is actually not a surprising fact about FPA reviews, for almost all their reviews are considered as scams.

If once any one tries to search about his reviews, he will find many scam reviews about him. It seems like all Forex Market’s reviews about him are nothing but scams, except for FPA.

Coffman (Felix) and Tom Yeomans…Two Faces of the Same Coin

Coffman (Felix) and Tom Yeomans…Two Faces of the Same Coin

There is an obvious fact that Felix and Tom Yeomans are two faces of the same coin exactly like EUR/USD pair. And for that it seems to be the real reason behind naming their website as

And here is a link for a blog that shows Felix and Tom’s scams.

If it quacks like a duck…

Filed under: Forex, Scams — trader2be @ 3:32 pm

Talking about ‘potential’ scams, here is a little one fresh off the press that I received in my inbox this morning:

Now, a few interesting things about this one:

  • The email was sent by ‘Felix Homogratus’, an individual who obviously uses a nickname to run his business. His real name is Dmitri Chavkerov. My gut tells me that there is something fishy about running a business under a nickname but maybe that’s just me.
  • ‘Felix’ runs a few sites, one of those is According to Felix “ForexBastards was founded in January of 2006, after I literally couldn’t handle getting screwed any longer. Learning how to trade forex I went through several forex brokers, a few different trading signals providers and used multiple forex educational training services; some brilliant, some useless and some down right horrible.”. For some reason I get the feeling that his Yacht Seminar is a typical example of the types of scams his website was meant to expose.
  • The speakers include Felix’s partner, Rob Grespinet. According to the agenda, “If he feels like it, [Rob] will share with the participants the “inner talk” and “big boys outlook” on the forex market over the next year. Otherwise, we’ll just have to enjoy his profanity and witty humor.”. Have you ever been to a seminar where one of speakers may or may not participate depending on his mood on that day? Interesting character…
  • Now the piece de resistance is the other two speakers: Skip Atwater and Marty Rosenblatt. Those guys are supposedly experts in ‘Remote Viewing’. Now I have to admit that I had to look up ‘Remote Viewing’ because I had no idea what that meant. I thought that maybe it was the name of a new fancy indicator or strategy but I came to find that remove viewing (RV) is “is a protocol used in consciousness research where a viewer attempts to gather sense impressions and “knowingness”, non-sensorial information, about a target.” So basically we are talking about telepathy or clairvoyance in trading the Forex?!?! How desperate are we getting here? What’s next, opening a ‘channel’ to Jesse Livermore to ask him for tips?
  • The last speaker is ‘anonymous’ and I quote “He wants to keep his identity unknown before the seminar”. Come on…people using nicknames, others using clairvoyance, and this last one the enigmatic speaker who wants to remain incognito. Is it a trading seminar or a masquerade? Is there really a difference? I am starting to wonder.
  • As another test, let’s go back to the CFTC warnings and let’s see how many apply to this ‘invitation’:
    • Stay away from opportunities that seem too good to be true”. In Felix’s own words: “I can teach you a trading system that in my experience can easily make you into a forex millionaire in 3 years or less”. Now here note the word ‘EASILY’, ‘MILLIONAIRE’, and ‘3 YEARS’. Too good to be true? I also always like when systems promise to make you plenty of money with extremely little effort. Two beautiful examples in this invitation. First from Felix himself ” I’ll be honest with you, because of this way of trading, I am starting to become very lazy, and I am actually sleeping through a lot of the news announcements that I used to trade short term.” Next from Skip Atwater: “The technique takes 1 hour per day, 5 days per week, and it has made this guy millions”.
    • Be Sure You Get the Company’s Performance Track Record”. In Felix’s own words again “[Rob Grespinet] is a heavy weight financial giant, and most people will never be able to comprehend the level of connections this guy has. Just being in this guy’s presence is an honor”….Ok, what is HIS performance track record? Numbers please! About Skip Atwater: “he will be teaching a simple technique he has been using over the years. The technique takes 1 hour per day, 5 days per week, and it has made this guy millions.” So this guy is going to teach me how to use psychic abilities to make money in the market? Show me a trading journal here, show me a trading account statement! Quantify this guy’s trading system’s expectancy! Last but not least: “this is Felix writing, and if you know me, you should know by now that I don’t throw empty words into thin air”. Actually Felix I don’t know you, at all! Actually it’s only by googling ‘Felix Homogratus’ that I was able to find your real name. Maybe you’ve made millions but for all I know none of it was made through trading, maybe you have made all this money scamming retail traders.

Ok, I have already wasted enough time analyzing this email. My only point is that there are plenty of emails like this one finding their way in my inbox every single day, making incredible promises, telling me that there is a system out there that could make me millions by just working one hour a day, and to be honest I not only don’t believe any of them but I have to come to find them insulting. As individuals who are entering the retail trading world, this is what we are exposed to. We have to be vigilant, extremely vigilant.


  1. Hey great post, I think Felix is a scammer too!

I sometimes test Forex services and I tried Felix’s service. They claim to have a 1 pip spread on GBP/JPY and they go for profits of 5 pips. Most people have a 6+ pip spread on the pair so when he claims 5 pips profit to people with a real spread its -5 pips!!

I made a YouTube video of me posting a negative comment about one of his services and how it never made it onto his review section. Check it out:

Also I am going to link to my review section (hope thats ok??) it is non-biased and I do not manipulate results:


Comment by Nick b — November 28, 2007 @ 2:42 am

  1. Felix or Dmitri Chavkerov is a scammer

check out latest news of Dmitri and his girlfriends arrest by ICE.,0,7556610.story?coll=chi_home_class

Comment by felix is a scammer — December 9, 2007 @ 8:40 pm

  1. Learn to read. The arrest was of was Felix’s girlfriend and her temporary husband, not Felix.

How does helping his GF break immigration rules change Felix’s work in Forex?

Comment by Say What? — December 13, 2007 @ 3:04 pm

  1. To the person above me, I have this to say:

It may have been his girlfriend, but who was the, ahem, ordained minister that conducted the ceremony? Also, while only supposition, who do you think was the mastermind behind the scheme and the one paying the sham husband for this indecent proposal? Hmm, makes ya think now, doesn’t it? This entire escapade was clearly an attempt to circumvent immigration laws and manipulate circumstances to his own advantage regardless of those incidental things like law, ethics and morals! Says a lot about his character, doesn’t it? And if he sees no wrong in doing stuff like that, it makes you wonder how above board other aspects of his life are or is it just me that thinks the subject heading to this blog is extremely fitting?

‘His’ work in forex, for example, tell me what that is exactly? He has presented nothing original of his own as far as I can see. His one true ability is that of very talented marketeer and it cannot be denied him. He can take other peoples’ trading ideas and present them to a wide audience with an uncanny ability. He doesn’t care who he shats on to get there though.

Case in point:

He was fortunate enough to be part of Tom Yeomans’ old core news trading group (which I was also part of) and he saw the potential there for milking the old goat. Despite the overwhelming majority of Tom’s students warning him that it would ruin the strategy, Tom’s greed got the better of him and he went into short term business with Dmitri anyway. What happened? It ruined the strategy! Not before both of them made a killing from the selling of the info though. Poor old Tom was not competent enough to have any kind of decent back up plan (his news trading technique was itself pilfered from Jimmy Young) and has had to resort to selling other peoples’ software since parting company. There were some very bright people in his group though and one of them - Safwan Hak - developed a way to automate the spike trading to its fullest potential - a necessity after the deluge of new news traders subsequent to Dmitri’s ‘Freedom Forex’ marketing machine made the old strategy redundant. Saf is a highly intelligent programmer and his prototype software was given freely to all the members of the original core group. Not one to miss a trick, Dmitri got his own friend/programmer, Rob Allen, to make a copy of what Saf had done and that is essentially what you see today marketed as the so called ‘Secret News Weapon’. Incidentally, Saf and others were jettisoned from the group, ostensibly for stealing Dmitri’s client list, but the real truth is that Safwan had far more to him of practical worth and was threatening to steal Dmitri’s central spotlight. We couldn’t have that now, could we? Dmitri and his new band of acolytes will deny this vehemently, but those that were actually there at the time know only too well that this was indeed the case.

The Forexbastards site (now known as the ludicrous ‘Forexpeacearmy&rsquo ;) started off as a very good idea and although it is impossible for anyone other than Dmitri himself to tell you if the intention behind it was genuinely honorable and meant to expose the corruption that goes on in this industry, or whether it was an elaborate ploy from the beginning to ultimately use as a platform from which to sell to an established and trusting (naive?) public, is anyones guess. What can be said with certainty is that it was another example of where his true genius lies - MARKETING! As the story goes, a subscriber to the Forexbastards signals gave word to him about a Mr Claude Grespinet, who allegedly was another hotshot trader. Dmitri wormed his way into Claude’s circle and before you can say, “Vladdy Vladivostok”, a new signal service was born! Opinion is divided as to the usefulness of this service, but when it comes to trying to give negative views about it on his own Forexbastards site, I need point you no further than Nick B’s video on YouTube.

There are numerous other stories along these lines, but the aforementioned make up the bulk of the history.

In summation then, I put this question to the guy above: Does all of THIS change how you view ‘Felix’s work’???

What I can’t understand is that given Homo-boy’s amazing powers of foresight, mystically enhanced no less with the power of remote viewing, how he couldn’t have seen the consequences of his actions in this marriage debacle? To quote that great philosopher of our time, Homer Simpson, “Doh!”!!!

Merry Christmas and remember, don’t let those bastards take your money!

FPA And Peter Bain…Another Form of Scam

Peter Bain…Another Form of Scam

Has any one of you ever heard about Master/Slave relationship?

For sure all of us know the meaning of such a kind of relationships.

Here you can easily apply it in Felix Homogratus and Peter Bain relationship.

Peter Bain is the owner of a website for Forex education and signal provider. But also there is another job for him; he is a member of FPA!!! And here is the link where you can see the proof:

Peter Bain also sells his expert adviser and educational courses on DVDs, and moreover he advises traders not to begin trading before asking for his advice, for the sake of good trade!!!

Thus, how he can be considered a well qualified master when he doesn’t have a class master who can teach people great courses like Forex. He just learned two lessons or may be more than that from Felix about Forex, and he depends on this shaken fact to propagate for himself as a well qualified master in Forex!!!

Peter Bain and the Undoubtedly From Being another Felix

Peter Bain and the Undoubtedly From Being another Felix

There seems to be many names here, but who knows, may all these names be a One for the same character!!!

As a Forex Trader or a beginner you may certainly hear about Peter Bain- the owner of which provides traders with both education and signals- and who is also a member in FPA (Forex Peace Army).

This tight relationship between Felix Homogratus and Peter Bain depends on sending signals to FPA to provide Forex traders with it, which are unfortunately wrong signals, and thus helping in gaining money for nothing, money from others loss.

Certainly this black business is quite similar if not typically to Coffman’s (Felix) black business history. So, one may expect that Peter Bain may be another fake character of Felix’s.

The Mysterious Relationship between AVAFX and FX Solution (FxSol)

After revealing the facts behind FX Solution (FxSol) and AVAFX- the two brokerage firms- and after showing the fact that they are brought to the light by FPA, or especially by Felix, there is another mystery to come.

Among that enormous numbers of brokers there appear FX Solutions (FxSol) and AVAFX, two brokerage firms. Concerning FX Solutions (FxSol), we found in this company profile that it has been existed since 2001 and its activity has began to run since 2003, while you can actually and easily know that it has been known among traders and brokers since 2006. Also, the owner of FX Solutions (FxSol) is the brother in law of the Bastards’ Master, Felix or Coffman, and this company is registered in the States, which is their mother country. And the emergence of FX Solutions accompanies the emergence of Forex Bastards, which was changed to be Forex Peace Army.

On the other hand, AVAFX Owned and managed by the old forex guru, David Cohen, born in Russia in 1928, migrated to Israel in 1948, then found his way to USA and wall street in the early 60s. David Cohen is an icon in the financial world even though many do not agree on his some what brutal methods of making money. Cohen has built and burned many brokerage companies in the last decades, and some of those burned companies have caused huge losses to his clients. He was one of he key player of the famous refco disaster. (read more about refco here)

Cohen has been very careful about photographing, and very few pictures are available about him. He has also been moving around the world with no announced particular address.

Moreover, there sags from darkness this mystery to become instead a fact.He is holding large shares in FxSolutions (FxSol) and fully owns AVAFX which is a registered company on BVI (British Virgin Island) which is considered a paradise for taxes and money hiding from authorities in regulated countries.

Cohen is the mentor of many forex foxes; some of them have been doing extremely well.
An example, his fellow Russian Dimitry (Felix) and many others.

Blood Over The Counter

Vanishing of Millions?!!!

Artificiality seems to play a domain role in our Forex Market, and it has its professional players. Those players have been introduced to you previously aiming that truth may prevail one day.

To begin our story we should first introduce the history of FX Solution. we found in this company profile that it has been existed since 2001 and its activity has began to run since 2003, while you can actually and easily know that it has been known among traders and brokers since 2006. Also, the owner of FX Solutions is the brother in law of the Bastards’ Master, Felix or Coffman, and this company is registered in the States, which is their mother country. And the emergence of FX Solutions accompanies the emergence of Forex Bastards, which was changed to be Forex Peace Army.

There has been found among FX Solution’s trades an account that was opened by a millionaire with millions of dollars as a live account. But what seems to be obscure here is that after opening this accounts and sending funds this millionaire has been disappeared, and no body knows where he has gone!!!

Certainly, this millionaire is not a mad man to throw this huge amount of money on air like this and leave them without even canceling it. There seems an obvious riddle that may any one has the key to solve it.

The News will be released after contacting the family & all the relations between this guy & FxSol will be published in the Blog

ForexPeaceArmy attacks Trade Oracle

Felix and the gang had a very busy week shooting at many brokers and setting up more traps for traders. The most funny story on the news was their bluffing against Trade Oracle. They were able to blackmail the poor broker and force them to spend big money advertising on FPA’s site. This was a result of a series of attacks by email, posting articles, phone storm and warnings included on the daily signals they send to the members.Did you know by the way that FPA “borrows” the signals from otgher services :D
Stay tuned for more news

Trade Oracle subject to a new attack from ForexPeaceArmy

We the members of the Scam Investigations Committee of the Forex Peace Army have deliberated on all the evidence available to us and have reached a conclusion. It is our opinion that…

There was a dispute between our member WoodCrusher and Tony Awunor, owner of TradeOracle. WoodCrusher said that the software did not work for him and requested a refund. There were counter-accusations, and no money was returned.

Since the TradeOracle website does not specify any sort of guarantee, this case fell into a gray area. We decided to allow FPA’s members to participate in the decision to determine if this truly met the definition of scam. As part of this process, a poll was opened. Guests were allowed to vote. Halfway tough the polling period, a huge number of “Not Scam” votes came in in a very short time period. Research by our database administrators showed that a small number of compters were voting repeatedly. As a result of this, all Yes and No guest votes were removed from the poll so that only registered FPA members could vote. Both the owner of TradeOracle and Woodcrusher are registered FPA members, so both were entitled to vote. The final vote came to 72 in favor of scam, and 15 against. Thus, the vast majority of FPA members who voted consider this to be a scam.

One of our alert members did point out that the TradeOracle website did specifically state: TradeOracle Pro is Developed specifically for you if ou are ready to try a winning system at no risk. The Committee finds that this does indeed imply a guarantee for the software, and denying a refund. Therefor, we find TradeOracle meets our 4th definition of scam - Serious deception in a company’s advertising.

We find that the attempt to fraudulently rig the vote meets our 5th definition of scam - Other behavior that would be considered to be highly unethical by a reasonable individual.

We find that the owner of TradeOracle continuously attempted to delay our investigator with claims of being too busy, yet found time to leave a review that needed to have its language edited. He also had time to leave a number of posts in our forums insulting WoodCrusher and other FPA members. We consider his delays to be deliberate deceptions that are further evidence of unethical behavior.

Thus, we as well as 82.76% of the FPA members who voted find TradeOracle to be a scam. We offer TradeOracle the chance to resolve this issue by returning Woodcrusher’s 4500 Euros and implementing a reasonable guarantee or trial period for his software. If this is done, we will be willing to overlook the vote fraud as a one-time error in judgement.

We extend our deepest sympathy to Woodcrusher and anyone else who feels they have been scammed by TradeOracle. We extend warm regards to Lt. Gerard for his efforts in this case as well as to all the FPA members who took the time to vote on this issue.

TradeOracle is hereby blacklisted by the Forex Peace Army.

We encourage our members not to do business with this company and to encourage their friends to do the same.

Scamming Forex Brokers

Terrorists On Wall Street
There is a great deal of fraud in the Forex market, so it would wise for the new forex investor to check out the broker thoroughly. Other good ways of checking a broker is by talking to other Forex traders through the many forums dedicated to foreign exchange.
Otherwise, it would be difficult to check the background of the broker, and little one can do if the broker turns out to be less than honest .The funds of most Forex brokers are not guaranteed, nor are they segregated from the funds of the firm. If the firm goes bankrupt, you will probably be just a general creditor, and may not get all, or any, of your money back. No government organization guarantees the funds, unlike the funds in a bank account or a stock brokerage account.
Don’t Trust who make reviews for brokers because most of them take money from scam brokers to add them as stars
Example: ForexBastards, forexpeacearmy, forexdiamond
Felix Homogratus or Dmitri Chavkerov is the owner of Felix peace Army who send many threats to brokers & many other provocations to make them pay money for avoiding fake scams to be made by him.
He is doing that & attracting traders by sending signals to them
All The signals are wrong 100% to make them lose their money with brokers to find more complaints about brokers & the game is begin So fare a battle between Felix & brokers.
Felix owns many fake brokerage firms; Felix was in the jail for more than 7 years
FBI investigated with him & all his capital was reserved
He made a fake marriage contract
He is not American Citizen
Many & many & more if you searched for Forex scams if you need to gather more information about how they do business, are they readily available to answer questions, or resolve complaints.

You can do this by reading what they have on their website, and by calling them on the telephone to see how quickly and how well they respond, or getting advice from the many chat rooms about Forex, including those provided by the broker. Although almost all Forex trading is done over the Internet nowadays, sometimes Internet connections don’t work, or the company’s trading platform isn’t working the way it should or the way you think it should, so it is very important that they also provide telephone service.
The most important criteria in selecting a Forex broker after assuring your self that they are reputable brokers is the trading platform, the currency pairs offered, and the spread, the difference between the bid/ask prices, which is how the Forex broker is compensated, and the best way to judge these criteria is to open practice accounts with several brokers, which most offer, and trade for about a month in each account. Practice accounts allow you to trade Forex using live market data and using the company’s software, but without using actual money. You must remember that when you place an order with the broker, your order cannot be seen by anyone else other than your broker—not even other brokers. All of your transactions are with the broker—not other traders; the broker develops the trading software, or, at least customizes it, you can be restricted from doing certain things that you might be accustomed to doing with stocks, for instance.
A good way to compare actual trading is to open real mini-accounts with several brokers. Because mini-accounts require very small deposits to open, most people should have no problem opening several accounts to see what their actual profits and losses are, broker fees, and responsiveness. This also helps if one of the brokers goes bankrupt. At least you won’t lose all of your money because you placed it with one broker. Despite many brokers claims to the contrary, trading foreign exchange successfully is not an easy thing to do. Forex trading is at best a risky business and at worst, a scammer’s dreams come true. As a general rule, it is best to avoid any companies claiming that Forex trading is easy, guarantees results or encourages you to make small deposits and use high leverages. Regardless of how well educated you are, investing a small sum in FX trading is likely to end in losses.
Some recent scammers who have been caught include: Lake Shore Asset Management, Forexbastards, ForexPeaceArmy, Felix Homogratus, Lake Dow and Ty Edwards, Ben Ouyang, Rashid Ghafoor, Adam, Tahir, Emerald Worldwide Holdings, Foreign Fund (First Bank), Equity Financial, Shasta, or Tech Traders,IBS/IMC, Kevin J. Steele Nawab Ali Khan Ali,Sun Platinum Worldwide Commodity orporation Graystone Browne Financial,Sterling Trading Group, Inc,STG Global Trading or QIX, Inc.A broker must be registered and reputable since there are innumerable scams involving Forex investment.

A Trader Fights with Felix and Rob After Losing $100k

rob the robberHot from the news, ForexPeaceArmy has caused a trader to lose 100k in a wrong signal this week.

The trader from US was fooled by the marketing propaganda Felix and Rob are overwhelming the web with.

He followed their signal and was stuck with a huge loss of 100k. Felix refused to reply to his emails, and at last, he was able to locate them at their place.

The fight has been going for 3 days now, and the bastards refuse to help(not sure if they are able to help either)

The poor guy is now involving a lawyer and evaluates all possible actions.

Today's Signal and Warnings from ForexPeaceArmy

First of all, keep your money far away from fxsol, they are on the same track of rejecting orders at news times. FPA had a fight yesterday with the management at fxsol and we will be making our best they get into hard times int he days to come, stay tuned.

Back to signals..

Let’s review what happened earlier today.

Norway CPI came out slightly lower and we saw 400 pips move. It seems it was a hit&miss.

At 4:30 a.m. we had UK Industrial Production which came out 0.2 versus 0 expected, not enough to enter a trade. There was not any real move.

We did not have any significant moves on U.S. and Canadian trade balances.

There was a huge surprise on Canadian Interest rate statement. It was expected they will cut the rates but they did not. USD/CAD moved about 80 pip the first minute and then another 40 pips in next 15 minutes. Canadian dollar should still strengthen a bit more so it still might be a good price to enter a short trade on USD/CAD or EUR/CAD.

We also had Japanese GDP, and the price moved by 10 to 15 pips so it was not tradable.

Let’s talk about Wednesday.

1. Wednesday, June 11th, 2008 (4:30 a.m. New York Time) UK
At 4:30 a.m. we will have UK Claimant Count Change and Average Earnings +Bonus. It seems that the Claimant Count Change might be more in focus. Keep in mind that higher number is bad for the GBP. Last month with 7.2 deviation we had over 40 pips price action. If it comes out at 3K or lower, I would buy GBP/USD and expect 40 pips price action. If it comes out at 13K or higher, I would sell GBP/USD and expect 40 pips move as well. Watch the video for more details.

2. Wednesday, June 11th, 2008 (2:00 p.m. New York Time) USA
At 2:00 p.m. we will have Monthly Budget. I don’t have any specific suggestions how to trade it. If you are new in Forex, definitely skip this report.

3. Wednesday, June 11th, 2008 (9:30 p.m. New York Time) AUSTRALIA
At 9:30 p.m. we will have Australian Employment Change. It is expected to come out at 13.5K. If it comes out at 0 or negative, I would sell AUD/USD and expect 30 to 40 pips move. If it comes out at 25K or higher, I would buy AUD/USD and expect 40 pips move as well. Watch out for unemployment change. 0.2 deviation on the unemployment is good enough to change the direction.

One more thing: Sir Pips is taking vacation soon so we will not have videos for next 2 weeks or so. We will still send signals in the text format.

That’s all for now. don’t forget to vote against fxsol at our forum, let the rest of the members know your story with this broker.

Felix Last Scam In Hong Kong

We the members of the Scam Investigations Committee of the Forex Shit Army have deliberated on all the evidence available to us and have reached a conclusion. It is our opinion that…We can just fool the whole world…

We hereby confirm that we are the back players of the company named Hong Kong Forex Co. Ltd

We confirm that we have been fooling traders fro allover Asia and even globally and drived huge traffic to its site from our bogus forums on FPA and Forex Bastards.

Once the time was in, we ran with all the money..

but wait a minute, to have the circle close at a perfect ending, we will changemasks and declare war on the fake company Hong Kong Forex Co. Ltd

We will send the following to our members:
The forex options company known as Hong Kong Forex Co. Ltd disappeared after failing to return funds due to the FPA members known as Michael 123, Greg333, lppjp, Ralph08, and fieds83. Total losses from our members are in exceess of several hundred thousand US dollars. We aren’t sure just how many other traders lost money in this, but if our traders are any indication, these fraudsters have run off with quite a few millions of dollars. Failure to return money to traders upon request is the primary definition of “Scam” for the members of the Forex Peace Army.

Further, the Hong Kong Forex Co falsely claimed to be regulated by a Financial Services Regulatory Association. This was a fake website used to gain the confidence of victims of this fraud.

The FPA does not normally deal with forex options, but due to the extreme nature of this case, we feel it is necessary to provide a proper scam finding and to warn our membership to be aware of scams like this.

Thus, we officially find that Hong Kong Forex Co. Ltd is a scam. We will only consider lifting this scam finding if the owners of this company come forward, return all the money they have taken from traders, and then turn themselves in to the proper authorities in the Hong Kong SAR of the People’s Republic of China for further judgement.

We extend our deepest sympathies to our members as well as other traders who have lost money due to the criminally fraudulent actions of Hong Kong Forex Co. Ltd.

Hong Kong Forex Co. Ltd is hereby blacklisted by the Forex Peace Army.

We strongly encourage anyone who had money with this company to contact the proper authorities in your country as well as the Hong Kong police.

Barack Obama Gets Attacked by Felix :)

barack-obamaIt is not a joke, felix claimed that Senator Barack Obama’s winning last week was the reason why the signal he gave was not accurate.

Rob and Felix claimed that was the direct reason for the 100k loss their poor trader was subject to last week.

It might be hard to find an exit from a situation like that, Felix boy, but funny as it is, you are digging your own grave.

Felix Attacks Dukascopy for The Third Time In One Year

Felix wrote:

Dukascopy is an interesting case. Is it a fraud which is so good that one of our regular amateur detectives thinks it is genuine? Or is Kaspar right when he says Dukascopy is a red herring?

Let us just say it is rather dubious…
Here is what we know, or think we know:

Dukascopy comprises:
- Dukascopy Trading Technologies Corporation, registered in the British Virgin Islands. ( and
- Dukascopy (Suisse) SA, registered in Geneva in Oct 2004, with the name Dukascopy since Mar 2005. (
That’s all, although the 9 languages on the web site certainly creates an impression of being a big international organisation.

However, there are no addresses in any other country except the two already mentioned. The contacts given on the English language pages are E.Karayev and G.Lungu, with UK mobile phone numbers. The French language page gives no names, and Karayev’s UK mobile number. The German language page gives the name Olga Soerries and a German mobile number. The Spanish language page gives a number in Argentina!

Do you start to lose confidence in this being a large international organisation? (Apart from in the sense that the Russian mafia is a large international organisation!)

The Dukascopy Trading Technologies Corp site mentions that client trading accounts are guaranteed by Dukascopy (Suisse) SA - but what is that worth? That company has only been in existence since a few months!

One other thing: an internet search for Dukascopy gives very few results except for Dukascopy’s own web sites. If it was an entirely legitimate organisation, surely we would except to find mentions of them elsewhere, for example on other web sites using Dukascopy data feed?

Let’s just say I wouldn’t send them any money!


Felix Is Spamming His Members with This Shit About Dukascopy

Dears, Just look at the liquidity Dukascopy offers. In fact, it is biggest than ECN such as Hotstpot, Currenex or Lava. They have a really big liquidity, how can they have it? By the way, I confirm you that you can deal more than 25mio one click, which is not possible with any market maker. Please tell me how they can be so big. It seems that they have the biggest liquidity in the world, no other marketplace have more? please, if someone know, tell me. tks
2006-12-12 07:18:00 // Jeff Prattus
I admit I never traded with them but there is already slippage on the demo account which is pretty sad. Therefore I dont believe the 1.5 pip spread crap. The only orders they offer is stop and limit orders, no OCO, no If-Dones, etc. There is no way they can prove the liquidity by the way I dont know where you got that. There is no proof they are ECN either, if they have a few huge accounts they can hedge all positions against you and you’ll never know. 25 million in one click? My ass…btw, you wouldn’t even be here if you had enough money to make that kind of trade. actually you probably work there explaining the bs hotmail address. If someone has traded there for real and has some real info let me know what gives.
2007-01-09 08:09:00 // Noholdbars
I traded with them live, slippage and price manipulation on their platform, not excessively often, but its sad that they have a crappy platform and use such basic scam methods to make money. Whats for sure is its impossible to make money there. I lost 3K due to that shit and of course making money was really hard so I left. I found another Swiss broker that I’m going to try. O yeah ducascopy has a high minimum so they are sure they will nail you a good couple thousand before you leave. Bastards, stay away if you can.
2007-01-09 08:18:00 // noholdbars
By the way Ducascopy is not an ECN at all. You think a bank just takes in a 25 million dollar click? Keep dreaming, its a bucketshop like all the others, liquidity my ass. On top of it they say that they inputed funds for capital growth but thats bullshit, they just made a loan based on their platform they made, which is bad… good luck people if you have your cash in that shithole. I forgot my favorite “would you like to control your slippage option to reduce it or have lots of it?” pfffff. If only I knew all that before opening the account I would have had a laugh instead of a major deception. Cheers fellow traders and good luck!
2007-01-18 05:24:00 // Mike
Please, do not criticize such good and reputable company. There are few companies in the world able to provide service on institutional level, trading more than 50mio in one click, if you are not able to understand the difference and the technology level they provide to their clients, please do not comment. So, whoever you are, either a sales person of a market maker company or a retail trader, you should not mention such untrue information. I am trading with them, and get a perfect execution. For sure, it is not a market maker, so the concept what you see is what you get is impossible. You have to use function such as slipapge control or place bid/ask, but it is normal, because you trade in a centralized/decentralized marketplace, the SWFX-Swiss FX Marketplace. For more information, you can read \”eforex\” magazines, it will give you a better understanding of the FX industry. oct06: \”One click trading and the global liquidity\”. it will help you to understand the one click technology, which mean a one click in a marketplace vs. a market maker. jan07: \”Fight for liquidity, centralization vs decentralization\”. It will explain you technology of decentralize marketplace. jan07:\”Threat or opportunity for FX execution venue\”. It will give you an idea about the industry consolidation. As they provide access to marketplaces and banks, I do not understand why you try to treat them as a market maker who manipulates prices. Anyway, if you were a live client of Dukascopy, you would have been able to compare price and see that they are always providing same or better price than other marketplace, with same or more volume. Regarding the increase of capital, I do not even want to argue. Swiss Legislation talks by itself. Having said this, one has to consider the bad. Notrading platform is perfect, and the SWFX GUI is also not perfect. I do not like the way of placing bid/ask in the market. I hope they will modify it.
2007-01-19 05:27:00 // Pierre
High level of technology, huge liquidity and fast execution. Their idea of a back up solution via other marketplaces/banks is very good.
2007-01-25 04:32:00 // Farrell
:) last two guys seem to be employees in charge of levelling up the company image. Same poor English and a lots of keywords for SEO. Seems really shithole company since it is paying its employees for such forum talks instead of investing into proper software!!!
2007-02-08 06:57:00 // Ouchhhhh
Here is why I didn’t go with them: “Margin close (cut-off level) In case the available margin becomes negative Dukascopy has right but not the obligation to reduce client’s exposure fully or partially by closing existing positions or/and by opening new positions in opposite direction. Usually the system reduces automatically the exposure at a level when equity is equal to negative available margin.” Basicly they do whatever they want to your account, close good positions, let the bad ones make you sink even lower and more… welcome to wiped out accounts. It explains why they allow hedging too. Nice way to take out clients, its the first bucketshop I see with such a developped method. pffff
2007-02-13 07:43:00 // Bob
sorry to say, but for me the margin policy was the exact reason why I choose them. They are more close to their clients, they follow them. Normal, they deal with big clients, and do not want to close automatically big positions in the market. When clients are close to MC, they can give clients flexibility and space. Excellent.
2007-02-13 07:50:00 // Thierry
thanks to Mike for the magazine reference. There are very interesting articles on the FX industry.
2007-02-16 00:10:00 // Jason
It is bad not to be able to place bid/ask in the market for amount less than 250k but execution and liquidity are good.
2007-02-20 00:52:00 // Yan
Good access to SWFX. Good liquidity
2007-02-21 11:27:00 // Pablo
Really transparent. Nice execution when using bid/ask or slippage control.
2007-02-27 03:46:00 // Richard
Demo is slow.. but live is very good. Strange, they should work on their demo if they want more clients, because their live is really fast. Richard
2007-03-08 00:17:00 // 4xtrader
Noholdbars … I bet you loose money where ver you go and with any broker - learn to trade you fool. People that complain about a true interbank broker simpply cannot trade.
2007-03-08 02:28:00 // Robin
guys, you can test it, you will enjoy… they have the biggest liquidity.
2007-03-13 10:15:00 // Emmanual
Richard, I do not agree, demo is good. did they change their demo server?? Anyway, many thanks to you guys, your comments has helped me to understand how they achieve to be so big. It has helped me to understand their exe. Tks
2007-03-19 05:04:00 // Christopher
Not bad. Good company and good people. They are very big, but at same time very close to their clients.
2007-03-21 00:19:00 // TomJ
Incredible how this company manage world liquidity. Really good business model. Congratulation. Bad point: you do not give access to retail clients. It would be good for them to understand difference between Marketplace and Marketmaker and to be able to trade in a Marketplace.
2007-03-26 00:13:00 // Patrick G
Maybe too strict in compliance, but I can understand. The rest is very good.

Felix and FPA Make It To Los Angeles Times

McCain, economic policy
Mannie Garcia / Bloomberg News
John McCain, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, speaks to the National Small Business Summit in Washington, D.C., U.S., on Tuesday, June 10, 2008.

McCain and Obama have contrasting economic plans

Mannie Garcia / Bloomberg News
John McCain, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, speaks to the National Small Business Summit in Washington, D.C., U.S., on Tuesday, June 10, 2008.
They differ sharply over ways to aid anxious voters hit by soaring fuel prices, falling housing prices, the credit crunch and the weakening job market.
By Bob Drogin, Los Angeles Times Staff Writer
June 11, 2008
WASHINGTON — America’s battered economy took center stage in the presidential race Tuesday as John McCain and Barack Obama offered sharply contrasting policies to anxious voters hit by soaring fuel prices, falling housing prices, the credit crunch and the weakening job market.

McCain, the presumptive Republican nominee, delivered a speech to a trade group here touting his antitax credentials and highlighting his economic policy differences with Obama, his Democratic rival.

Obama, in turn, accused McCain of wanting “to add $300 billion more in tax breaks and loopholes for big corporations and for the wealthiest Americans, and he hasn’t even explained how he would pay for it.”

The clash over economics came amid widespread concerns over average gasoline prices topping $4 a gallon, a fifth straight month of job declines and a plunging dollar.

Speaking to business leaders at the 2008 National Small Business Summit, McCain vowed to extend President Bush’s income tax cuts when they expire in two years, an idea Obama opposes. McCain also renewed his call for temporarily suspending the federal gas tax this summer, a proposal Obama has derided as a gimmick.

More broadly, McCain promised to reduce corporate tax rates, “break down” foreign trade barriers and push for a “simpler, fairer and flatter tax code.”

“I don’t want to send any more of your earnings to the government,” McCain said.

At the same time, the Arizona senator told the business leaders that Americans “are right to be offended” by the “extravagant salaries and severance deals” of corporate officers who have engaged in “reckless corporate behavior.” He promised to ensure that “wrongdoing of this kind is called to account by federal prosecutors.”

McCain’s backers insist that Obama would raise taxes, crippling efforts to jump-start the economy and help consumers. Democrats counter that McCain has embraced failed Bush administration policies and will plunge the nation further into debt, a charge the Republicans strongly deny.

Obama has proposed tax cuts for middle-income families and retirees, a $50-billion economic stimulus package, a higher minimum wage and expanded unemployment benefits, along with help for homeowners facing foreclosure.

But McCain, in his speech Tuesday, focused on Obama’s support for letting Bush’s tax cuts expire in 2010 for households earning more than $250,000 a year. He also said Obama would increase taxes on unearned income, including stock dividends and capital gains.

“Under Sen. Obama’s tax plan, Americans of every background would see their taxes rise — seniors, parents, small-business owners and just about everyone who has even a modest investment in the market,” McCain said.

Obama, speaking later to reporters after touring a hospital in St. Louis, called McCain’s comments misleading. The Illinois senator said he would cut taxes for 95% of America’s households, while letting the Bush tax cuts lapse on the highest-earning 5%.

He also vowed to eliminate the capital gains tax “for the small businesses and start-ups that are the backbone of our economy.”

During the Republican primaries last spring, McCain faced heavy fire within his own party for initially opposing the Bush tax cuts. At the time, he argued that the cuts unfairly favored the wealthy and were inappropriate while the nation was fighting two wars. He now contends that allowing the tax cuts to expire would amount to raising taxes.

In promising to cut corporate income tax rates, McCain said he would reduce those levies “from the second-highest in the world to one on par with our trading partners.” But that characterization of the nation’s current corporate tax burden was disputed Tuesday.

Among the 30 most developed countries in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, the United States’ official corporate tax rates are near the top.

But because of breaks or loopholes in the tax code, the corporate tax revenue actually collected in the U.S. was fourth-lowest among the 30 nations, according to the organization’s data.

“It’s a bit misleading,” said Bob McIntyre, director of Citizens for Tax Justice, a nonprofit, nonpartisan research and advocacy group in Washington. “The rate is high. But most U.S. companies don’t pay taxes on most of their profits.”

Overall, he said, corporate taxes accounted for about half of all income taxes in the 1960s. They now account for less than 10%.

Still, McCain’s corporate tax cut “would cost $100 billion a year,” said Jared Bernstein, a senior economist at the Economic Policy Institute in Washington and an informal advisor to Obama’s campaign. “And he hasn’t come anywhere near explaining how he would pay for that.”

In his speech, McCain also accused Obama of “talking down” the value of exports and trade agreements. He specifically criticized Obama’s pledge to renegotiate the 1994 North American Free Trade Agreement.

Republicans credit the NAFTA agreement with Canada and Mexico with spurring record exports, while Democrats blame the agreement for causing job losses and sending industries abroad. The issue has special resonance in Ohio, Indiana and other large Rust Belt states that have suffered economic dislocation in recent years.

“We have a sharp disagreement here that I look very much forward to debating,” McCain said.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

Adam Pecherski - Fraud Case Against AVAFX.COM

Felix has sent the following email today to all his paying members:
Hi everyone, Felix here.
We have a case to report about a broker that has been thought of as an honost broker until today.
The story below was sent to us by Adam, one nice member who experienced what can be decribed as a pure theft, read and judge:
Dear Felix,
I am now official victim of Avafx. They gave back only my initial deposit of 15,600 usd but refused to get back my profit of 31,4k. They are trying to make bandit of me.
Two days before transferring of my money, they informed me I’m responsible for scalping activity in their company. I was told that somebody who has all my personal data did scalping activity in their company. They refuse to give me copy of this correspondence. They also informed me I made threatening activity towards other brokers - the most stupid thing I ever heard. I feel like international terrorist although i’m honest man. I was also insult and threaten by them - they go legal against me. My money was stolen - although they say they gave back all my money. In the latest chat they officially confirmed, my account is canceled and I won’t get rest of my funds. Last mail from them:

Your account has been totally suspended from their trading severs and you are not a welcomed client in Avafx trading servers any more due to the scalping activities you have been performing during last weeks and these activities represent a clear violation of trading agreement
Your case has been closed when they sent you your due funds after estimating the risk scope cause by your activities as clearly mentioned in the live account trading agreement signed and approved by you upon opening your live trading account
For your reference find below some key issues from the trading agreement signed and approved by you upon opening your live trading account
We Preserve the right to ban any Customer from its trading platform, suspend any
accounts temporarily or permanent at any circumstances where the account was suspected to perform one or more of the following forbidden activities:
h. Security threatening activities.
i. Any other scalping activities that threatens us, its customers, business partners and counter parties.

Our risk management office has the right to estimate the risk scope and calculate the remaining funds to be paid out to the Customer after suspension. ForexGen has the sole right to cover its losses caused by the over mentioned activities prior to the suspension.
This e-mail will be considered as final settlement from Avafx and this issue has been officially closed

I’m honest man and going to fight for my money - can you advise anything?

Scammed by Alpari - Another Blackmail from ForexPeaceArmy

My name is Adam Pecherski, many of you know me from my reviews about my own experience with scam brokers.

As you know I had a very bad experience with InterbankFX Forex Broker, in my opinion they scammed me and many other traders, and not only 1 time… If you want to trade seriously please avoid this Broker!!

Well, I like a lot the mt4 platform and although most of Brokers using it are only bucketshops (if I had a good amount of money I would change to an ECN broker) you will find that some of them can be more honest than others.

I spent many time searching and surfing Forums, websites, Blogs, etc to know about other mt4 brokers and I found Alpari to be the best in all comments. So I thought to open a demo and a real account with them. After probing the demo account before then I began to trade with the real account.

I am greatly surprised. The spreads are low (gbp/usd:3, eur/jpy:3, gbp/jpy:7…) and with all the volatility of these days I have not seen Alpari increasing the spreads or the server frozen/stopped and I am trading a lot in different hours!!

So in my experience until now Alpari is great.

The bad thing: they are only accepting bank transfers and so you must pay a high comission when you deposit (from your local Bank and then a little more from Alpari due to the Bank that they use). But they are thinking to accept debit/credit cards in the future.

I will keep you updated about this Broker.

Another Fake Signal from Felix Has Just Came

Hi there

This is Felix writing. I wanted to share with you my outlook for the month of June, 2008.

I just recently sent in an order to my bank to go short on GBP/CHF. In my opinion, considering the current circumstances, the strongest currency out of the 8 majors is Swiss Frank, and the weakest is Great British Pound.

I actually initially called a short on GBP/CHF back in December of 2007. During that time, everybody was being crazy about shorting GBP/ JPY, which was definitely a good thing, but I remember talking over the telephone with my partner Sir Pipsalot, who is running the service, and I told him that I think a short on GBP/ CHF is even better than a short on GBP/JPY.

Well, to make the long story short, in 2008, on global scale, Swiss Frank gained 7.19%, and Great British Pound lost -3.07%. In comparison to Swiss Frank, the Yen only gained 0.48%.

Yep, it seems like everybody was talking about the strong Euro and strong Aussie in 2008, but in reality, Swiss Frank outperformed them both. Here are the detailed statistics on all 8 currencies:

CHF: +7.19%
AUD: +5.72%
EUR: +4.08%
JPY: +0.48%
USD: -2.32%
GBP: -3.07%
CAD: -5.18%
NZD: -5.19%

Looking at these statistics, you may be wondering how in the world I came up with these numbers? Well, the way I came up with them is I compared each currency against the 7 other currencies, then I derived an average from that. This way, we can not only know how a currency performed against one other currency, but we can know the average against all the other 7 majors.

I actually requested a programmer to build me a calculator to do that. This way I could see in one snapshot the overall picture for today or yesterday, or for last week, or last month, or any custom date. And we are actually going to offer this calculator as free tool for our ForexPeaceArmy community. Wait for an announcement on that sometime this month. I believe this tool would improve your trading.

Anyway, sorry about that, it seems like I got a bit carried away here. Let’s go back to our GBP/CHF short.

Here is the situation. The UK economy has been put in a tough situation. Their inflation is going up, while their overall economy is slowing down. So there has been a lot of uncertainty about the UK interest rate which is at 5.00%, which is still very high, comparing to the rest of the world.

So what has happened, is in the month of June, GBP has actually gained value, because there were speculations of further rate hikes. You may be surprised to hear that, because it seems like GBP/USD is going down. The reason it’s going down is that US dollar has gained even more value than GBP. But if you compare GBP against all the other 7 majors, and derive an average, it’s actually gained around 1.06%, just in 10 days, which is a lot.

So to make the long story short, the market is currently pricing in rate hikes from the UK, which are highly unlikely, so if there is a cut in the next 3 months, it would be a big surprise, and the pound will lose a lot of value.

On the other hand, the Swiss government seems to be very happy about their interest rate of 2.75%, and the market is still pricing a possible cut by the end of the year. Regardless of it, the CHF has gained 1% in May, and already gained 1.86% in June comparing to the average of the other 7 majors.

So we are definitely seeing a solid trend of falling pound, and solid trend of rising Swiss Frank. Please note that the pound is falling, despite their high interest rate, and if they cut, it would only aggravate the fall. On the other hand, the Swiss Frank is rising, despite the fact that there are talks about possibility of rate cut by the end of the year. So if they decide to stay on hold, or even hike, it would only put fuel into already rising frank.

I hope I am making sense here, and of course once that calculator is posted, you will be able to have a very invaluable tool to your trading.

That’s all I have to say for this month. Next month, July, one of my friends who is managing a fund of several hundred million promised to write up his take on the forex market I personally look forward to that analysis.

What do you think about what I said about Pound and Frank? I’d love to hear your feedback and your 10 cents on the issue.
